
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Assalamualaikum and hello people !!!

(google image)

For this second entry, I want to thanks a lot to you people for visiting this blog. Actually, this blog is purposely created as for my project assignment. If you wish to know more about me, visit my new and real blog here. Perhaps, this is the last entry for this 'The start of something new' blog. I said perhaps or it also means maybe okay... So, perhaps also this is not the last entry.. Haha...

Thank you and take care and stay healthy...! (^.^)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Get healthy through your emotion?

Ollo... Ah, it's hello!
If you have watched Megamind, I'm pretty sure you are familiar with the 'ollo' word. Yeah, I kinda like the movie so much. Ops... I'm away from the track! Okay, enough for the intro, lets focus to the main idea for this entry........!!!

Healthy lifestyle. When we talk about healthy lifestyle, our mind tend to imagine for vegetables, fruits and physical exercise. Of course, those are all true! Even so, people keep forgetting about mental health. Yup, healthy lifestyle should include emotional or mental health too and not to forget, social health. This is a fact as WHO defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. For now, I'm going to discuss more about emotional health.

Hypothalamus plays a role in physical expression of emotion

I believe that our cognitive state has a very much strong connection with our body. People with good emotional health are aware of their thoughts, feelings and actions. They learned to control their emotion in most of the situations they encounter. Anyhow, how good the person can control their emotion, when it comes to a certain level of anger, a previously so-calmed person can burst into the opposite character. Typically, this such condition is aggravated by emotional health disruption factors for instance, when experiencing a financial problem, facing with the death of a loved one, suffering an illness or an injury and etc. All of these factors can lead to stress, sorrow and anxiety feelings.

Face mimic is related to aging

There is a myth about face mimic with aging. It been said that people who always make a straight, unfriendly and angry face can age faster. In contrast, happy-go-lucky person seems to look younger than their age. From my opinion, this is so true as it is proven in my real life.

As the emotional status plays a big role in our health, it is crucial to improve our emotional health. There are 6 easy tips to do this:-

1- Recognize your emotions and understand why you are having them.
    Sorting out the causes of stress, sadness, and anxiety in your life can help you manage your emotional health.
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Alert with your feeling
2- Express your feelings in appropriate ways.
    It is a bad decision to keep all the awful feelings inside since this somehow can make you feel worse. It is prudent to let your trusted person know when there is something bothering you.

3- Exercise to relieve stress and lift your mood
    Physical activities such as jogging, swimming and playing our favourite sport eg. basketball  can relieve your stress. It is proven that vigorous activity can improve our mood. Perhaps, most of people think that by doing exercise, it eventually leads to tiredness besides it cannot help in solving the problem they are having. But, don't you think that after your mood has improved, your mind will feel fresh that you manage to find solution to the problem more easily. 

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Let your adrenaline free!

4- Settle down your mind and body
    Relaxation methods like meditation are useful to balance your emotions. This is because it helps you to relax yourself and refresh your mind.

Meditation can help to ameliorate our mental health

4- Live a balanced life.
     Yes, life is stressful especially when it is about school and work. Thus, it is important to deal with negative feelings. You don't have to pretend to be happy when you are stress and upset. Instead, try to focus on the positive things in your life too. You may also need to find ways to let go of some things in your life that make you feel stressed and overwhelmed. Make time for things you enjoy.

5- Take care of yourself
     People may not realise how important a regular healthy meals is. There is a saying, "what you eat is what you are". Hence, do eat healthy and balance diet in order for you to be healthy. In addition, get enough sleep is necessary too. Lack and irregular sleeping habits may provoke emotional imbalance and thus ruin your mood for the whole day.

Fruits and vegetables are good for health (everybody knows this -_-)

So people, control your emotion before it controls you. Get yourself healthy~~!!!

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Smile can boost up your day. So,


Hope this video can cheer you up...

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